Explored Kuldet 2013

Explored kuldet er født den 5. juli 2013 og er efter

MULTICH Starworkers Makes People Talk X CH Starworkers Obsession By Nighttime

Se billeder af hvalpene her - See pictures of the puppies

Hegnets Explored By Marco Polo  

Hegnets Explored By Dr. Livingstone

Hegnets Explored By Charles Darvin 

Hegnets Explored By C. Columbus 

Hegnets Explored By Neil Armstrong

Hegnets Explored By Amelia Earhart 

Hegnets Explored By Elinor Smith  

Hegnets Explored By Isabella Bird 

Hegnets Explored By Mary Kingsley

Hegnets Explored By Alene Burns 

Hegnets Explored By Jane Franklin 

Hegnets Explored By Amy Johnson

MULTICH. Starworkers Makes People Talk                        x                        CH Starworkers Obsession By Nighttime


”Stormy” – DEVDHCH Starworkers Obession By Nighttime – Is expected puppies aprox. 5 th. July 2013.

We have been wondering for a while who the proud father to the puppies should be and we have looked into different possibilities and our conclusion must be that “Picazzo”, the proud father of the last litter did a quite wonderful job and therefore we want to use this special boy again.

(Multich. Starworkers Makes People Talk x CH Starworkers Obsession By Nighttime)

The puppies from the last litter – The Artist Litter – have all been showing good temper, and their exterior are quite remarkable. The health statistics are also pretty good since we got (4 x A hips and elbows 4 x0). Two of the puppies are also examined for “patella”, and they both got 0 on both knees. Last but not least their working abilities in the field are quite remarkable. They show good noses and very high level of enthusiasm.

Here are some of the results on the exterior from the Artist Litter:

A world junior winner, CAC’s from Denmark, Norway, Germany, Austria and lots of Excellent with CK.

In the working department we are proud to mention:

- 6 x DRK working test
- 2 x DRK qualification test
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in Working/Field Test B
- 4 have passed the unofficial working test in the beginner’s class

Stormy har født 13 dejlige hvalpe. 8 tæver og 5 hanner.

Stormy – DEVDHCH Starworkers Obsession By Nightime – venter hvalpe ca. den 5. juli 2013.

Vi har længe gået og overvejet, hvem den stolte fader skulle være. Og efter at have undersøgt forskellige muligheder, er vi på grundlag af nedenstående kommet frem at lave samme kombination som sidst:

Multich. Starworkers Makes People Talk x CH Starworkers Obsession By Nighttime

Hvalpene fra det sidste kuld – Kunstnerkulder - har alle utrolig gode temperamenter, deres eksteriør er helt i top, sundhedsstatistikken er høj (4 A hofter og 4 x 0 på albuerne. Derudover er 2 hvalpe undersøgt for patella og har begge grad 0/0.) og sidst men ikke mindst udviser de alle gode arbejdsegenskaber.

Af resultater på eksteriør delen fra Kunstnerkuldet kan nævnes:

En Junior verdensvinder, flere certer i Danmark, Norge, Tyskland og Østrig samt flere excellent med CK

På arbejdsdelen kan nævnes:

- 6 x DRK Brugsprøve
- 2 x  DRK kvalifikationsprøve
- 1. 2. & 3.pr. i begynderklasse markprøve B
- 4  har bestået uofficiel workingtest i beg. kl